Why learn how to factor?
There are hard ways to do things and there are easy ways to do things. For example, you can free climb the brick wall of your apartment building and crawl into the third floor window. Or you could take the stairs. Easier still, you could use the elevator. Math also offers efficient ways to accomplish a task. Remember Joan? Joan has a friend, Nate, who is never far from his phone or a computer. Nate posts numerous pictures, videos, memes, quips, and links on his various social media accounts daily. Joan follows Nate on Instagram and has lately been annoyed with the sheer number of his posts. She wants to let him know that he is probably annoying others, too, but she doesn't want to hurt his feelings. Since Joan is studying polynomial functions in her math class, she comes up with a plan. She will appeal to Nate's data-savvy, technical side by proposing that you can fall out of favor with your Instagram followers by posting too many times in one day. She sees the following polynomial function in her math homework: