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מדריכי לימוד > Mathematics for the Liberal Arts

Course Overview

Course Overview

This course was originally developed for the Open Course Library project.  The text used is Math in Societyedited by David Lippman, Pierce College Ft Steilacoom.  Development of this book was supported, in part, by the Transition Math Project and the Open Course Library Project. Topics covered in the course include problem solving, voting theory, graph theory, growth models, finance, data collection and description, and probability.  Student learning outcomes include:
  1. Describe how mathematics can contribute to the solution of problems in the natural world or human society.
  2. Employ critical thinking skills, drawing upon prior knowledge when possible, to analyze and explore new and unfamiliar problems
  3. Form and communicate generalizations of patterns discovered through individual or group investigations.
  4. Solve problems using algorithms or formulas
  5. Model and solve problems using graphical methods
  6. Communicate methods of solutions and solutions to problems for the clarity of the receiver.
  7. Analyze and interpret data, including calculating numerical summaries and creating graphical representations, to propose possible implications
  8. Identify multicultural perspectives of, or multicultural contributions to, at least one mathematical topic studied

Course Access

The course materials and on-line homework sets are housed in MyOpenMath.  You can access the course as a guest student to see how the course is set up and view the online homework system.   Should you choose to use this course, MyOpenMath can be integrated into your school's LMS for ease of access.